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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Week 1

Wow, you can really get carried away with these bubblus graphic organisers! This is what came to mind when I thought of the word BLOG.


  1. Hi Brooke
    I agree that it is easy to get carried away with the bubblus graphic organiser and can see that in an educational setting the teacher would need to closely monitor students to ensure that they were on task. This might mean that extra time is needed to experiment with the programme before students are required to effeciently and effectively use this tool in the classroom. Multimodal learning is proven to be more effective then the traditional style of teaching and can result in higher order thinking ( students engage in analysis and evalutation of information.

  2. Hi Olive
    I completely agree that multimodal learning results in higher order thinking and by using a lens such as Bloom's Taxonomy you can also cater for the diversity of your learners, which will be no more present when using digital tools. I was very suprised with my own class at the variety of ability levels when using a computer. Through the use of Bloom's Taxonomy during digital lessons I am encouraging my learners to engage with higher order thinking to analyse and evaluate the information they may find online.
