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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 4


Picnik Web Site:

Original Photo of Hunta and Jordan

Edited Images with Picnik


Images used in above presentation from:


Here is a podcast for kids and by kids from the students at Willowdale Elementary School in Omaha, Nebraska.  Each new show is called a Willowcast. This is just one example of how schools are incorporating technologies such as podcasting into the everyday classroom.


  1. Hi Brooke

    Great pics...what a difference cropping an image can make. The shot of Hunta has become a great action shot.

    I agree picnik was an easy and non time consuming tool to use. In this case it is the creativity that takes time not the tool itself.

    I'm not sure your podcast is working Brooke. The podcasts seen to have proven problematic and time consuming for many of use e-learners.

    I guess the "time consuming factor" is the reason so many teachers shy away from learning and using new technologies.

    What do you think?

  2. Hi Brooke,
    Juliet is right your Podcast doesn't work. I also found this tool to be frustrating and time consuming. I persisted with it by subscribing to odcasts of different natures nd trying to upload them to my blog however nothing seems to work. I do think Podcasts themselves are beneficial as they allow the students to refer back to the content and pose questions for discussion involving them in higher order thinking activities I will definitely be putting up my hand for PD in this area.

  3. Hi Juliet
    Yes, the time consuming factor definitely makes most teachers shy away from technology. I am a lover of all things digital however my experiences creating this blog and interacting with the digital tools that I have posted have made me sceptical as to whether or not I would actually use these regularly in my class. This conundrum is purely based on the frustration I have felt towards the time it has taken to search for the tools, successfully navigate the item, interoperate it for an educational setting, then upload and post my thoughts to this blog. For instance my Voki took me three days of trial and error to achieve the final result that now appears in my blog. THREE DAYS!!!!!

  4. Hi Brooke
    You made a great point about teachers undertaking professional development. I firmly believe that any PD offered to teachers to enhance their technological skills can only be beneficial for our learners. If you are a teacher that repels technology, why not get your students to teach you how to use it? Hold a session once a week where each student in your class has the chance to share with you and their peers a digital tool and how they like to use it. This may ignite your creativity as you discover what your learners enjoy doing with technology, allowing you to scaffold their learning to incorporate these tools to effectively engage your students in new learning experiences.
