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Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 5

Digital Videos

My movie made with Movie Maker! (That's a lot of M's)



  1. Hello Brooke

    What a marvelous movie maker maker you are...
    The creativity that a tool like movie maker allows is boundless and such a fantastic way to have our students express themselves. Of course it is not just for the students, as a teacher it could be a great way to introduce a unit of work.

    I agree with your comments on the "use and abuse" of youtube and feel there there is a tendency to overuse. At the same time I also like your comment about it helping to explain a new concept in a deeper way than other methods such as whiteboards. It seems to me that as a teacher I will need to think deeper when choosing clips, deciding just what I really want it to achieve.

    Love the flashmob...did you get a video of your own class doing it?

  2. Hi Juliet
    Yes I do have a video of my class performing 'Gotta Keep Reading' however I will not be posting it to this blog as I am complying with the safe, legal and ethical practices that support our students when using ICT's. Cyber safety education is a vital component to any digital lesson. Students need to be aware of what can and could happen if they are not respectful of other people's content. I try to enlighten my learners on the 'netiquette' of being online. We often visit the following website to update and share our cyber safety skills.
